Target Group :-

Each addict at our centre an individually and Family selected by the voluntary through counselling & on the basis of a doctors inspection, If the addict refers to be treated, they are convinced (persuaded) to register. If the addict wishes to admit in the centre, he must being 2 Passport size photo, Adhar card, voter ID, At the time of enrolment, someone has to be sign a letter of custodial obligation.


Success Story :-

Balappa Katti
Age – 40year

Myself Balappa Katti, I spent the better part of my childhood. I brought up in a good family with father, mother, brother, & sister. I have been petted by all family members since. I was the youngest son. I completed my primary and secondary education in my hometown Gadag district Naragund Next after 8th std I left school & started working in agriculture. During their time I started drinking alcohol with my friends for fun. I have been a little drunk after getting married and have recently been drinking from day to day for 2-3 year due to family embarrassment and financial problems, So that the wife moved into the maternal home with children.

I started excessive drinking from their & got sick in bed, after that as per my mother’s wards, I have admitted in Sri Maitri De-addiction Centre Hubli on 6-11-2013.

At this point my physical health had completely creped out. The doctors at their centre treated me there to four times a day & made me physically healthy. I was initially incompatible with everyone, after that because of good teaching, good will, yoga, meditation, individual counselling, good healthy food habits, I had a change mentally and physically.

Then they called my wife, who had left me, & brought the two of us together through family counselling. I went through treatment here & for four year. I quit drinking & brought dunk people like me to the centre for treatment.

I would like to extend my since congratulation to all the staff of the SRI Maitri De-addiction Centre hubli for guiding us towards a better & heal their life.

Thanking You

You’re sincerely
Balappa Katti

Basavaraj Mulimani
Age: 34year
Ph No : 8197816076

Myself Basavaraj Mulimani, I was been into a joint family as a child & my parents raised me in a good way. I am the only male child to my parents, So they fulfilled all my needs at my childhood.

I finished my schooling from 1st to 2nd standard in my hometown, Since I had no interest in further education. I quit education & started agriculture. There was no bad habits in the beginning, Since I got married at the age of 25 year, I have been drinking with friends for a special occasions. Latter my wife who was no compatible with me, Often stayed in her maternal home. This caused me to become mentally depressed & drunk from day to day.

Latter at the urging of the family to quit drinking, I admitted in Sri Maitri De-addiction Centre, Initially I was suffering from helpless, grief, but after some period I came out of grief through an centre-based tutoring, yoga, meditation, in dual counselling & consultation & after that I made the decision to stay strong & win before everyone else from there I got rid of alcohol addiction. My wife refused to come to me even though I am now well off fun treatment yet I have completely forgotten his & now I am taking care of the house with my mother & living healthy life. The reason for this in the Sri Maitri Organisation & the staff there, So I heartily thank them.

Thanking You

Yours Obediently
Basavaraj Mulimani

SL No Name of the staff Designation Qualification Photo
1 Ashok R Adavi Project Director MSW
2 Naganagoud F Mudigoudra Counselor Bed , MA
3 Irappa Baraker Counselor MA
4 Shivanagoud Patil Counselor MA
5 Mala Satagi Nurse GNM
6 Vinod G Ward Boy 10th
7 Shiddalingeshwr Hugar Social Worker MSW
8 Ratnajyoti B Accountant B Com
9 Prabhu Biradar Doctor MBBS
10 Gangadhar Kagiyavar Ward Boy 7th
11 Beemakka Kagiyavar Cook 7th
12 Shivanad Oli Chowkidar 10th
13 Shambuling Hiremath Nurse GNM
14 Kalmesh Dundi Chowkidar 10th
15 Masabbi Kanammanavar Sweeper 7th
16 Makthumhussen Gamanagatti Pre-educator 7th
17 Manjunathgoud Mudigoudra Nurse GNM