In Patient Care

Infrastructure: – Lunch & breakfast, accommodation ( basic facilities ) essential items for the day to day life & providing convenient atmosphere Medical facilities: – Doctor, nurse, lab, medicine, injection, medical equipments.

Counselling 7 individual cases: – Counsellors for everyday addicts will set then up for a non-addiction life through counselling & fear & confusion related to metal health to compensate for the discounts about semi adjustable life.

Recreation Amenities :– Indoor games like carom, chess, & TV, projectors etc.

Individual counselling

Individual counselling is a one-on-one counselling between a client & a trained therapist in a safe caring & confidential environment. The client expresses whatever comes in his mind.

  • There are specific issues that need to be discussed in this treatment unit.
  • Separate counselling sessions will be conducted depending on the client’s individual issues.
  • Only one consultant deals with a client & his family for those who are discharged from the time of admission
  • The client has at least 12 individual counselling sessions during one moths stay

Family Counselling

The role of family member is very important during the treatment of the client & after discharged from the centre in their case the centre has a family assistance program model, that has specific themes and goals.

At least four individual counselling & four group counselling sessions are conducted at the centre for eact clients families in a month.

Group counselling

Group therapy is one of the most recommended strategies for the treatment of chemically dependents. This is because it deals with multiple aspects of chemical dependence. The “group“ here is a collection of individuals with similar problems.

Every group has 5 to 15 addicts with chemical dependence occupation on social status with chemical dependence. Each participant is allowed to speak for five minutes, the specific topic will be clearly explained before the session begins.

Group therapy helps from to discus & show their part experience with each other.

Through this process the client can learn coping decision making and problem solving skills the session will be called from the therapist.

Community Service

The Shri Maitri De-addiction Centre keeps up a good service with the community, The centre offers alcohol and drug treatment programs to people & takes them to the centre for treatment.

One of the proven activities to help struggling addicts is the work of community servants. Community service helps a person feel more involved in their community this can be an anchoring experience for anyone struggling with the addicts can build confidence.

Community service is a great beginning way to network. It is common for addicts to lose their work (job) after being admitted to re-habitation especially if symptoms cause serious problems at work so for them Maitri helps to open new doors through networking. This is a great way to get yourself back to a set of responsibilities and an schedule. This helps fill the job gap & looks good in the resume. Selfless activities can help improve metal health.

Sri Maitri IRCA Photo

Building Photo

Office Room

Counselling Room

Receptionist Counter

Counselling Room

Medical Room

Client Rest Room

Class Room

Bath room

Bath room



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