Shri Maitri De-addiction Centre has been visionary in the concept & Service to mankind with its various initiatives, Providing De-addiction and re-habitation to patients suffering from alcohol and drug use disorders. The only Centre that has an indoor and outdoor facility to deal with such cases.
Shri Maitri De-addiction Centre Launched (Started) its Service to the alcoholic & drug addicts in the society on August 8, 1998 at Bidnal Cross Shakti Nagar, Hubli, Dharwad District.
The Centre is adjacent to the national highway for the everyone’s convenience And Centre has a good building system & is equipped with well infrastructure, well trainees qualified staff streamlined library, Yoga hall, prayer hall, Lecture room, medical facilities, magazines, newspaper, indoor & outdoor games, TV, CC Camera System.
The Centre has started a building with 40 beds and has been providing treatment for indoor and outdoor patients with drug and alcohol depends for 22 years. Shri Maitri Centre Cases to specific needs of clients by providing them with a diverse kind accommodation to do its best to ensure that the client experience the “Home away from Home” experience Substance abuse is considered an unsolvable habit in society. The main purpose of the Sri maitri De-addiction Centre is to fight addiction & raise awareness for such discusesas drug / alcohol abuse. Addiction is a discus recognised by the World Health or Organization in 1956. A person with this disorder is constantly addicted to addiction & is finally wable to stop the discuse in addiction the addict also aspects. So in our Centre we start the day spiritually & client maintain a healthy routine through the day. Addict regain lost health through yoga, physical exercise & outdoor games, Through a mandatory session of meditation , patients work an focus concentration & anxiety, sufficient & effected literature is also provided to strengthen the patients metal activities. The patient is encouraged to voluntarily take on the responsibility of other patients during treatment so that they can develop interpersonal relationships & it will in turn benefit society.
Through observation & confrontation at the centre, addiction are made aware of their behaviour and how they should improve, Maintaining an environment of positivity and hope so patients can have the opportunity to discover their hidden potential. If is not just addictive but the family is having a hard time, Shri Maitri de-addicted Centre organizer family counselling over a period of time which empowers the family with feeling of insecurity & despair, Addicted families gather & exchange energy & hope for each other the centre not only works within four walls, but also sees its family. After discharge of client a recurrence privation plan is prepared for each patient depending on his personality & other circum patients are advised to stay in touch with the centre & their consular if they have difficulties in their daily lives. Patients are encouraged to attend regular NA meetings, regular follow-up is conducted to help the addicted to live a calm and peaceful life after his discharge for the centre.
Shri Maitri Association Centre has a dedicated team dedicated entirely to the course off addiction recovery. Here addicts have found & new way of life & we committed to spreading the message of recovery in the community.