- Physical & psychological testing is done 8-10 days after detoxification
- admission
- After 24 hours 7 within 48 hours of admission the blood sample is sent to the lab for investigation
- The psychedelic evaluation is done within five days of admission
- The psychologist conducts psychological assessment & case history
- Evaluation of biological & psychotherapy
- The auto biography is taken from client
- Psycho social education programs are conducted in the form of group session & individual sessions.
- We will be conducting a group session on a 12 step program featuring physical, emotional, spiritual & social recovery.
- Preventive planning will not be repeated
- Yoga & meditation, exercises in the morning
- The silent hour
- Family education on co-dependence
Basically it means cleaning the blood. This means getting rid of the literal poison detoxification is the process of normalizing the body of a person from alcohol or intoxification. so detoxification is the beginning of alcohol / drug dependence treatment.
- It needs to follow other therapies to combat the underlying addiction
- The detoxification of individuals addicted o any drug addicts differs only in management & presentation
- Detoxification may or may not be required depending o the age of the person medical condition and duration of alcohol consumption
- Detoxification at the Maitri Centre is supervised by psychiatrists, doctors, nurses, counsellors & care givers.
Medical treatment

Pranayama & Yogasana

Family Counselling

Lunch Time Photo

Patients photo

Alertness Programme

After Care / Follow Up
After case / follow up is the essential component of de-addiction treatment. Treatment outcome depends on the effectiveness of the efforts towards re-integration with the patient community to achieve the recovery of the whole person. Re-habilitating patients through vocational training to facilitate increased income is part of the service provided by the de-addiction treatment centre. After providing care / follow up service on an outpatient basis for 6 months to 2 year, The object of the job is to work with the family to assess the responsibilities & integrity of everyday life will be decided.
- Medical and psychiatric services are available during follow up
- The counselling relapse prevention, self-help, program are the important components of follow up treatment reaching patients through home visits focuses on the recovery of the addicted person as a whole.
- Special occasions where addicts are exposed to alcohol during the danger period Ex :- New year, holy, family functions at that time with the consent of family members are provided to stay at the centre to compensate for the addicts.
After receiving treatment from the centre the Maitri Centre provides all advice & instructions for the individual to maintain a life full of addiction & getting back to their normal (without) life in society.
The addicts are advised to start their lives again in a controlled & supervised environment. At the centre we are fully dedicated to helping addicts return to their calm nature. This creates The impression that can become power full working members of society .